
Friday, April 26, 2013

Peach Butter Cake

Butter Cake
with Sunken Peach

Turns out that third time's a fail in my case. The recipe was for a simple butter cake with some peach pieces tossed in. I managed to make it very complicated and ended up with three different cakes. None of course being what I had planned for. Without a doubt Sweet Flukes will be the bulk of this post.

In my family we are all avid coffee drinkers. In the mornings we're on our own to get that coffee fix but as for the evenings, its a family ritual to always have a cup after dinner. Sweets are a must for these evening gatherings. Recently, my family in Guatemala shipped us some cake that I definitely plan to get the recipe for. The crumbly textured cake had this light buttery flavor that paired up perfectly with a dark cup of coffee. We loved this cake so much that in order to keep the peace my dad was literally rationing out the hidden stash. I decided to try and solve our shortage issue by giving the cake a shot. With a little added ingredient of peaches of course. 

I'm posting the third recipe which ended up being a very moist buttered flavored cake with peaches that had sunk to the bottom. Still tasted great with a cup coffee but will definitely be doing a round four of this cursedly delicious butter cake.

Yield: 12 to 16 servings
Prep: 1 hour
Bake: °335F, 45 minutes
Cool: 1 hour

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mini Peach Cream Tarts

Mini Peach Cream Tarts
with Brown Sugar and Chocolate

Finally! After all the nitpicking I'm telling myself to just post already and it's all about peaches this month! This is definitely a summer recipe but I couldn't fight the craving for that juicy goodness. 

Late spring to early autumn are when you can truly find the sweetest peaches. When choosing peaches I searched for ones somewhat firm and with a fragrance that had me reminiscing about those gorgeous summer days perfect for picnics. Seeing that I was about two months too early for the best pickings I had a little difficulty but thankfully someone was generous enough to leave me four.

This dessert was originally meant to be one simple pie but I went ahead and minified the recipe into tarts. Wouldn't you say sweets are much more fun to create and eat in their mini forms?

This summer dessert is a thin flaky crust lined with dark chocolate and brown sugared peaches. The filling is a sweet cinnamon-almond pastry cream. Topped with a blackberry to add some color and a hint of citrus flavor.

I had mentioned in my About Me this blog was about my triumphs and fails. So at the end of this post you'll find the Sweet Flukes section where I own up to my little mishaps and how I managed to rescue the recipe.

Now for the best part, the recipe:

Yield: 24 Mini Tarts
Prep: 1hour 30 minutes
Chill: 1 hour